UjjwaL Ghimire

This is Me, 29 years old , extermly interested in programming , expert in PHP and MySql.

Programming Interest

Real-World Analysis

What I am proud of is I can analyse the real world system and plan its digitalization, a kind of building solutions so that work can be

  • Automated as much as possible
  • Data storage and accessibily will be faster and eaiser
  • Programming Solutions can be accessed from any devices from anywhere.
  • Real world would be transparent and there would be no cheating.

We really need computer system across many platforms. As talking form Kathmandu , Nepal, a person should be able to open a shop across many places, hire staffs for operations and he/she should be able to monitor the business over programming systems. This not only helps a business guy to earn more, additionally it helps to create jobs over the places.

Database and Interface Design

The another aspect, I am blessed with is transforming real world data into table forms with concerns over primaray key and foreign keys. Along with database I like to plan user interfaces where user can interactwith data on the database. I have been using MySQL for a quite long time. Some of the challenges that I get on database is:

  1. Array type of data on designing Table
  2. Sometimes what i want to fetch is not possible from my existing knowledge.

As matter of fact, transforming entire real world system into a table base model can be quite difficult sometimes, but its really enjoyable. Even stuck, by the time I am able to solve it. Getting knowledge is another part and applying it over the problems is really the big part, in desiging databse for a particular analysis.

Programming Solutions

For quite long time I have been making programming solutions with PHP and MySql. As matter of fact, I get stuck while developing these solutions as I work alone and I do not have a job neither I work for any Software Company. The single and unguided journey is on and on. Here are my some of the works. If you want to see my solutions then contact me.

SN Programming Solutions
1 Inventory Management System
2 a complete content addable and changaeble website (CMS)
3 Institute Management System
4 News Portal (Under Devlopment)

Teaching & Course Design

As I am from Nepal and our curriculam does not provide industry level courses on Computer Science. Students get to learn visual programming after two years in four year education of Computer Sciences. By this time many students with coding interest, gets diverted in another areas.

I have been designing many courses on Programming with regard to web programming. I make intrested candidates accsible to a course that starts from C programming , HTML , CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Hosting, PHP, and many projects.

One of my first funny project, that I made was a gamblimg game called "Jandi Burja" some people call it "Langur Burja". With this, there was a race to Cards game( three cards flash, teenpatti), which was completed. Now the race is on Snake game.

My WordPress Journey

WordPress has been easy tool but for me as per customization on programming solutions, I feel it's limited. Though I have been able to download a theme and necessary plugins and make a site. I have good knowledge on customizing themes. Now slowly I am jumping on themes development and plugins development. Hope I can transfer my abilities in core PHP on wordPress.

These are my some of wordPress works.
  Normal Company Site
  E-commerce Site